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About Us


We accept foreign students! Currently, our distance learning program has expanded our borders and we have students from various parts of the Philippines and the world.


Established in 1993, School for Creative Beginners recognizes that each child is unique and special. No two children have the same handprints- they learn differently and at varying speeds.


Our play-based curriculum is dedicated to providing a rich and fun learning environment that focuses on a child's strengths and directs him/her to reach their full potential- physically, emotionally, socially, morally, and intellectually. 


Our progressive approach to learning uses the theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner and is backed up by years of experience and research. The curriculum up-to-date and is enriched with current innovations that help motivate young minds to become enthusiastic learners, active explorers, and confident individuals.


Our loving, warm, and competent teachers guide and facilitate all aspects of every student's development and encourage each one's uniqueness. As educators, we actively search for new concepts and materials that will make classroom activities fun and engaging for all our little ones. Furthermore, we aim to create an environment that motivates each child to find pleasure in learning, encourage independence, develop his/her ability to attend to others, and engage in purposive action with the right amount of discipline.


Inspired by the goodness of God Almighty and in partnership with the parents, we strive to be role models in order to develop good moral values, strength in character, and compassion for others in our students. 

School Events:
  • Career Day
  • Linggo ng Wika
  • Senxiting Day (Senses Day)
  • Grandparent's Day
  • Pretend Day
  • Christmas Program
  • Family Day
  • Multiple Intelligences Week
  • Year-end Program 

Enroll now! 


Find out more about us and our programs. Contact us!

© 2020 by  School for Creative Beginners.


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NO. MCL-2007-182




NO. ER. - 031, S. 2011


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